
Office of the President

格雷戈里·L. King began his duties as 14th president of the University of Mount Union on March 1, 2023.

贝德福德人, 俄亥俄州, King graduated from Mount Union in 1989 with a Bachelor of 艺术 degree in business administration and sport 管理. He joined the staff at Mount Union that same year as the institution’s first intern of the Wayne Manzilla Diversity Internship Program. King then earned a Master of Education degree in higher education administration from Kent State University in 1993 and recently completed the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) Institute for 领导 and Governance in Higher Education for Aspiring Presidents.

自2008年以来, King has served the institution as the vice president for advancement, managing and overseeing the University’s fundraising activities to advance the mission and strategic goals of the institution. During his tenure as the institution’s chief fundraising officer, Mount Union has successfully completed and exceeded three fundraising campaigns. 自2021年以来, King has also served as interim vice president for 注册服务 with a focus on rebuilding the admission team and stabilizing enrollment. 

In addition to his current roles, King has also previously served the institution in various roles in advancement, 注册服务, 学生事务. As a member of the institution’s administrative team, he has also had the opportunity to develop skills in leadership, 管理, 受托人关系, diversity and inclusion, 预算, 金融援助, alumni and community relations, 学者, 和市场营销.

A longtime member of the Alliance community, King has been a member of numerous organizations and boards. He and his wife, Callie, also a Mount Union alumna, reside in Alliance.


格雷戈里·L. King, president of the University of Mount Union