


虽然看起来很老套, I have always loved the idea of working in a patient-focused career where I am helping people. I knew that I wanted to provide high quality patient care and be immersed in the treatment of each individual without going to school for a long time.


B.S., Exercise Science, The Mount Union大学

M.S. 医师助理研究, The Mount Union大学



A Purple Raider Physician Assistant

I attended Mount Union for undergrad so I was already accustomed with the town and campus. I liked knowing that I could transition into grad school at a place where I knew the layout, 教师, 还有其他学生! I knew continuing my education here would avoid the distraction of living somewhere new and allow me to focus on what was important! 基于积极的方面, 和家人亲近, Mount Union seemed like the perfect fit to pursue my degree in physician assistant studies. Starting clinical year and experiencing the healthcare industry alongside professionals 还有其他学生, I can say that our clinical skills class was one of the most beneficial courses because it gave us hands-on experiences that has allowed me to be ahead when on rotations. Currently in my surgery rotation, I began the first day closing up incisions and scrubbing in on procedures that other students waited weeks for! I feel that I have the Mount curriculum to thank for this because of how we were prepared for these scenarios in our first year.


到目前为止, my clinical rotations include behavioral medicine, 家庭医学, 皮肤病学, 整形外科, 普通外科. Throughout this time I have learned so much about the medical field and have continued to find new ways to care for patients. I am grateful to have observed and assisted in the care of many patients. I have enjoyed experiencing different healthcare concentrations and seeing the various levels of care come together. I have learned that taking time to explain or answer a question can change the outcome of an interaction for both the provider and patient. One of my favorite experiences up to this point has been gaining confidence in myself and knowledge about each medical specialty I have observed. I love learning new skills and applying them in my next rotation and am excited to expand upon this as my rotations continue.


虽然看起来很老套, I have always loved the idea of working in a patient-focused career where I am helping people. I knew that I wanted to provide high quality patient care and be immersed in the treatment of each individual without going to school for a long time. I chose PA over any other healthcare profession because of the flexibility and versatility that came with it. Being able to diversify and adjust my experience as I navigate the different stages of life was one of the biggest factors in my decision because it created the perfect work/life balance. I love that the PA career allows us to continue to expand our knowledge and find new ways to care for patients every day!